Our Team

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Absalom Jordan, Chair

Absalom Jordan is the Chair of Friends of Oxon Run Park. Mr. Jordan is also an illustrious Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner who has served in this position for many years. Mr. Jordan has always been a champion for parks, trees, nature, flora and fauna. Our beloved Councilmember Marion Barry appointed him as the Chair of the Ward 8 Parks Committee during his tenure. Mr. Jordan then formed ORCA, Oxon Run Park Community Association. In his tireless efforts to activate the park, he then took on the challenge to make it official with an agreement from the DC Parks & Recreation Department.

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Brenda Lee Richardson, Vice Chair

Brenda Lee Richardson is a an eco-feminist and long-time Ward 8 resident. Ms. Richardson has a vested interest in nature, environmental justice and health. Oxon Run Park graciously gives an opportunity to improve our physical, mental and spiritual well being if we take the time to see the great beauty of the park and the benefits those majestic trees bring to enhance our air quality, calm our spirits and connect with nature.